In Touch and Develop Good Minds
Posted by: adminMarch 28th, 2011
A Great Way to Stay in Touch and Develop Good Minds
If you see your grandchildren often enough you can do this over lunch or on one of their visits but it is just as much fun by mail or internet. Propose a debate issue, have them choose a position, set a time (a week is usually sufficient), tell them to research their position (there are no wrong answers, everyone’s opinion is valid) and then debate the issue by you taking the other side (you had better prepare also, these kids are good) or with multiple grandchildren choose teams. It is easier to do this with children who are 10 years old or older. They love the challenge.
Pet peeves:
- Hats on indoors baseball caps are NO exception
- I-Pods, cell phones etc being used while you are conversing with someone
- Televisions remaining on when company comes.
- Not introducing your friends
- Not acknowledging your grandchildren’s friends (I know we are getting older but I really try to remember their friends names.)
- NOT acknowledging gifts. Teach your grandchildren to write thank you notes. Stationery and pens are always great gifts. Stamps are even better. When my grandchildren go on vacation I give them self-addressed stamped envelopes so I am sure to get a note from them. We always bet on how long it will take their letters to reach me. As we all know postcards arrive weeks after they have been home.